Reception at Sedbergh Prep

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For more information about the outstanding Reception provision at Sedbergh Prep School, please complete the form below and our admissions team will contact you.

The Early Years Foundation Stage encompasses both The Mulberry Bush Nursery and our Reception Class, and was rated outstanding in its most recent Ofsted inspection. We know that children will thrive, develop and learn most effectively if they are happy and comfortable in their surroundings. Our Early Years team strive to provide a stimulating and engaging learning environment for our youngest children, as well as offering a seamless transition from Nursery into the Prep School setting.

At Sedbergh, our Reception pupils experience an appropriate balance of self-initiated play and teacher-led activities that help to provide the building blocks for all future learning. With class size typically around 14, we are able to celebrate every child’s strengths, discover their interests and support them in their development as a person and a learner.

Curriculum and Classes

Our Reception teacher, Mrs Baines, regularly supported by a teaching assistant, plans creative activities and opportunities for learning across the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum:

  • Communication and Language
  • ​​​Physical Development
  • ​​​Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • ​​​Mathematics
  • ​​​Understanding the World
  • ​​​Expressive Arts and Design

The Reception children spend most of their time with Mrs Baines during the school day, including daily guided reading, Read Write Inc phonics, maths lessons, out and about sessions for outdoor, nature-based learning activities and half-termly topics encompassing science and humanities. The children also receive specialist teaching in PE, swimming, music, French and art each week, from members of the wider Prep School academic team. Their weekly timetable is enhanced by additional highlights and opportunities including trips to local places of interest, the annual Pre-Prep nativity play, inter-house competitions, trips to the DTE workshop for seasonal projects and the summer Pre-Prep school sleepover.

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Progress Reporting

The progress of each child is shared with their parents on an extremely regular basis. We have an open door policy which means parents can talk to a member of teaching staff at drop off and pick up on any day. Our Reception team use an online programme called Tapestry to record each child’s learning journey and this can be easily accessed by parents at home at their convenience. This offers a unique window into the children's day-to-day life at School and highlights the children’s development against the seven areas of the EYFS curriculum. These also form the basis of the termly parent teacher meetings and school reports.

At the end of Reception, our children stay within the Pre-Prep section of the School and progress to Year One. They leave us as happy, confident, curious and, most importantly, kind members of the Prep School community.

RECEPTION SCHOOL DAY & wrap around care

The school day in Reception starts at 08:30 and timetabled lessons finish at 15:45, with afternoon activity clubs (which are included in the termly fees) running until 17:00. Children can also attend breakfast club and stay for supper if extended wrap around care is required. An outline of a school day in Reception can be found here.

For more information about the outstanding Reception provision at Sedbergh Prep School, please complete the form below and our admissions team will contact you.